Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Whew! I really can't say enough about how awesome the Nike Training Club app is!  Ever since Baby N arrived, it seems like there are only about a quarter of the hours in a day that there used to be. The 15 minute workouts on the app are great because I can throw them in while she is taking her rather unhelpful 15-20 minute power naps. There are also30-45 minute workouts, and you can even customize your own month-long workout program! (No, I'm not getting paid by Nike - I just love it when I find a good thing! But maybe I should...)  Anyway, get it and try it out, especially if you're short on time.

Monday, January 26, 2015

I'm starting this because Aric and I decided we really, REALLY needed to get away from Facebook. Not that there is anything inherently wrong with it, but we were starting to feel a little compulsive about the way that we were constantly checking it. That, and really beginning to question our motives for being on at all. So here I am. I doubt I'll check this or post to it nearly as often, but for those of you who like to see baby pictures, Baby N will still be available for viewing. We're also trying to start a garden (finally!) this year, so I'll most likely post our progress with that. Yeah... Just... Life.